
cropped-images-41.jpgBrainfield Premium - Friday fun games Brainfield Premium - I can cook

Classrooms 1 (2) Baby room 2 baby room indoor play area Outdoor play playgroup class reading room Reception area

2 Responses to Gallery

  1. Dr. Osi Ogberaha says:

    Good day,

    Please, I like what I have seen and read about ur facility. I am actually looking for a suitable daycare for my son. He just turned 7months but stays with his grandma while I work. She will be leaving in feb so I am trying to make arrangement for his care when the time comes.
    He will be 9months at the time.

    My questions are:
    1. At 9mths, what fee will he pay for the two months plus before he turns 1 and can moves to toddlers class?

    2. How many months make a term?

    3. What is ur policy on dropping in to check on him daily as I work within Ikoyi and have my break period?

    Thanks for your response.

    • Dear Dr. Osi,
      Thanks for your inquiry. Your replies are as follows:
      1. we also do the monthly payments which come to N38,000 per month till baby turns 1yr and moves on to the toddler/playgroup 1 class.
      2. 4 months make a term but like earlier stated, we also do the monthly to accommodate parents.
      3. Ideally, we encourage parents to drop their children themselves in the mornings before rushing off to work. A good way to start your child and support the process of him/her integrating with the outside world and developing their social and learning skills. You can also now and again drop in for very short periods during the day, but we do not welcome habitual drop-ins (daily) as this tend to distract other children as well. They have mummies and daddies too. Moreover, habitual drop-ins tend to slow the rate of the child’s integration process as children are actually very intelligent and once a pattern or trend is established, they tend to follow (ie being reclusive and waiting for mummy to always come by).
      Hope the fore-going explains.

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